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4 Strategies to Prevent Recurrent Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Jan 10, 2024
4 Strategies to Prevent Recurrent Plantar Fasciitis Pain
Are you looking for ways to prevent your plantar fasciitis from coming back? Read on to learn about several ways to avoid this common cause of heel pain.

One of the most common causes of heel pain is plantar fasciitis. Your plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue in your foot that runs from your heel to the bottom of your toes. If this tissue becomes inflamed or injured, pain and stiffness in the heel and arch of your feet can result. 

The pain from plantar fasciitis can come and go without warning; you may have a few days of relief before it flares up again.

So, how can you keep plantar fasciitis pain from recurring? Glad you asked. Here are a few tips from our expert team at Austin Foot & Ankle Institute, with offices in Austin and Cedar Park, Texas.

Resting your feet

Pain from plantar fasciitis is usually triggered by inflammation and irritation caused by overuse from such activities as running or being on your feet all day. So, put your feet up — literally. Taking a break and elevating your feet can significantly ease your pain.

You should also limit your exercise to low-impact activities that don’t involve jumping or running. Swimming and cycling are good options because you can still burn a lot of calories without impacting your feet.

Stretching and icing

Stretching the bottom of your feet can warm up your plantar fascia, making your feet more flexible and less likely to cause pain. Physical therapists can provide you with specific stretches that can help; you can also try rolling a round object under your foot for five minutes each day.

Icing your feet daily can also help reduce inflammation (and pain) in the plantar fascia.

Custom orthotics

In some cases, custom orthotics or insoles can help relieve the pain and stress in your foot by providing more support for the arch. Also, a night splint can hold your foot in the proper position while you sleep so your plantar fascia isn’t stiff and painful when you wake up in the morning.

Losing weight

The more weight you carry, the more pressure you put on your feet and arches with every step you take. Losing weight reduces the stress on your feet and provides a host of other health benefits.

If you’re suffering from plantar fasciitis and need professional help, our team at Austin Foot & Ankle Institute offers various treatment options that can reduce your pain and get you back on your feet.

Call one of our three offices to schedule an appointment, or book your visit today using our online scheduler.